Region Jämtland Härjedalen

Machinima: Beyond Gameplay

Webbinarium 29 februari kl: 10.00-11.30

Vi undersøker nye terrenger!

Projektet Mid Nordic Visual Lab inviterer til webinaret Machinima: Beyond Gameplay.

For: Utøvendekunstnere som skaper levende bilder, spill og filmskapere i Trøndelag, Jämtland och Västernorrland.

Lenke: Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.

Denne forelesingen/ seminaret er for deg som er interessert i å bli bedre kjent med en film og spill i et krysningfellt.

Møt de banebryterne og utrolige Dmitry Frolov and Vladimir Nadein! De har hatt liknende sesjoner på ulike festivaler og kunstarenaer i Europa.

Du vil bli bedre kjent med nye muligheter, bli inspirert og sette i gang nye tankebaner rundt din film, spill og mulige samarbeider mellom feltene.

Her er Dmitry Frolov and Vladimir Nadein egne ord på engelsk:

In the introductory lecture of the machinima workshop, we will discuss the history of this medium and its key aspects, as well as its social and aesthetic significance. For a deeper dive into the material, we ask participants to watch the films that we will discuss in this lecture.

Machinima is the art practice of creating films inside video games or using game engines. Being very diverse, machinima can resemble animated movies, documentaries, online performances, puppet theater, music videos and many other things. This phenomenon was born about 30 years ago and has been actively changing in parallel with the development of computer technology. Having become one of the most important forms of digital and internet culture, machinima today plays an ever-increasing role in the film industry finding its way into mainstream, art and amateur cinema alike.